Calorie borscht: 50 kcal *
* The average value of 100 grams depends on the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparation

Without hot first dishes, a healthy diet does not work. Choosing between soups, broths and borschs, it is important to pay attention to the energy value of dishes.

Borsch - Nutritional value and calorie ingredients

Borsch - satisfying, perfectly balanced dish. It has all the necessary trace elements: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. A large amount of fiber contributes to the elimination of toxins, nitrates, heavy metals, radionuclides.

With regular use of borscht enhanced immunity, all organs work.

The classic recipe includes meat, cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes. In some regions, beans are added, fresh cabbage is replaced with sour and so on. How many owners, so many cooking methods. Well, and the last touch - the bowl of thick sour cream is in a bowl. As a result, it turns out a full-fledged nutritional dish, which is highly valued for many centuries.

How many calories in different types of borscht (with chicken, on beef, with pork)

People who are worried about their figure always pay attention to calorie dishes. As for vegetable soup, this indicator depends primarily on what broth it is cooked. For example, the caloric content of broth on beef bones is only 28 kcal per 100 ml. In detail with the table can be found in our publication.

This vegetable soup cooked on pork is considered the most delicious, but also the very calorie (~ 50 kcal). And if the acid cabbage is added during the preparation of the broth instead of fresh, then this figure increases almost twice.

A spoon of sour cream purchased on the market adds a 90 kcal dish. If you purchase a lactic acid product in the store, this indicator increases only by 35 units.

Borsch on beef is considered dietary (~ 30 kcal). It has little cholesterol, but a lot of amino acids and vitamin V. Queuoko chicken, then such vegetable soup is especially recommended to those who try to lose weight, as its calorie content is relatively low (~ 45 kcal). At the same time, he strengthens the body well, which makes it a practically non-replaceable dish for people suffering from any diseases.

Calorie borscht in 100 grams

This indicator depends entirely on which products were used, and what processing they were subjected. If the hostess in the process of cooking this vegetable soup carrots, onions, beets, roasted, calorie dishes will be significantly higher than when such vegetables are simply cooked.

How many calories in one burst plate?

Calculating the caloric content of vegetable soup should consider its ingredients and a method of cooking. To begin, it is necessary to calculate this indicator for a hundred grams of dishes, then increase it accordingly. That is, when you prepared a recipe on pork, with beet, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, then in a hundred grams of soup will be approximately 60 kcal. At the same time, if one portion is three hundred grams, then the plate will be 180 kcal, with sour cream - 270 kcal.

Probably there is no man who would not love the satisfying, welding borsch. The peculiarity of this dish is also in that it can add any ingredients to its taste, and it will always be very appetizing.

Borschi love, perhaps, almost everything - in any case, most of us will not refuse to taste a delicious fragrant soup with beets. The shared taste of this dish is not the only one for which it is worth loved - after all, the borscht is also very useful. This soup contains useful ingredients for the body - beets, onions, carrots, garlic, cabbage, potatoes and meat. All these products are very useful. When cooking, borscht can be used as fresh cabbage, and sauer, meat is desirable to take not too fat. As a snack to the boors, the fat, bread with garlic or garlic pampus, onions, greens, croutons, etc. Ukrainian borsch is applied to sour cream.

The caloric content of borscht is influenced by the caloric content of meat, which was used when cooking borscht - pork is the fattest and calorie, so the calorie content of the pork will be high, but if you are cooking with a non-fat beef, the calorie content will be much lower. The lowest calorie content in the vegetarian boosher is only 25-30 calories per 100 g, that is less than 80 calories in the cup. Calorie borscht with sauerkraut is higher than the calorie content of borscht, when the preparation of which was used fresh cabbage. The calorie content of borscht in Ukrainian is about 90-100 kcal per 100 g, the calorie content of the green (on the bone, with sorrel, greens) - 168 kcal per 100 g.

If you like borsch, but consider calories, you can reduce the caloric content of borscht in several ways. Prepare borsch on lean meat without bones. So you will reduce the calorie content of the boards by reducing the calorie content of the broth, on which borsch is preparing. It is best to prepare borsch on a chicken or beef broth - it is less high-calorie than pork or barbell. When cooking frodges for borscht traditionally, it is traditionally accepted to fry onion and carrots in the oil or on the fat. To reduce the caloric content of borscht, you can pass them in a frying pan with water. Reduces the calorie content of borscht and the use of beans instead of potatoes. Little calories in the boosher with a beet bar instead of the beet itself (69 kcal per 100 g).

The calorie content of the borscht will be lower if it is not mayonnaise, but a non-large sour cream. Bread to the boors is better to serve not wheat top grade, but a rye or Borodinsky - it not only contains less calories, but also best suits the boors.

Benefit and calorie borsch

Despite how many calories in the boosher, borsch, and even need to eat everything, even those who are sitting on a diet. It is satisfying and useful, the boards plate will completely replace a full dinner and for the shade, and the content of healthy and nutrients. Borsch contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates (both simple and complex carbohydrates), dietary fibers, important amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The combine contains vitamin A, a well-known antioxidant, it has a positive effect on vision, as well as the condition of the skin and all body tissues. Vitamin RR improves metabolism, participates in energy metabolism, helping the body to release energy from fats and carbohydrates. It also reduces blood cholesterol and regulates blood sugar content. Vitamin C is an effective immunomodulator, it strengthens the protective forces of our body and helps him withstand various diseases, especially cold and viral. Vitamin D strengthens the bones, joints, and also positively affects the state of the nervous system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which retains our youth and beauty and prevents the formation of cancer tumors.

The vitamins of the group c, contained in the booster improve the metabolism, help the body effectively transform into the energy incoming fats and carbohydrates. They participate not only in energy metabolism, but also in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, as well as in the production of cells. Their positive impact on the nervous system - they strengthen it, stabilize her work, improve memory, attention, stimulate brain activity, tone the nervous system, in addition, they remove stresses, fight depression, correct sleep disorders, remove the alarming states, help win fatigue and cope with nervous overwork. Vitamins of group B are not only effective antidepressants, they are also an effective prophylactic agent against the development of mental diseases. They increase performance, improve the mood and even reduce the pain threshold. In addition, the vitamins of the group in positively affect the work of the muscles, including the hearts, have a lining effect on the body, increase immunity, strengthen the regenerational abilities of the body. Vitamins of groups in due to their antioxidant properties slow down aging, effectively prevent cancer; In addition, they positively affect the condition of the skin, nails, hair.

Borsch is rich in not only vitamins, but also by trace elements - such as:

  • phosphorus and calcium, which strengthen bones;
  • fluoride, firming dental enamel;
  • iron, preventing anemia; Magnesium, which is part of the cells of the nervous tissue;
  • sodium that helps maintain water-salt balance;
  • potassium, which improves the work of all muscles and outlet water, salt and toxins out of the body;
  • zinc and copper, improving skin condition, nails and hair;
  • iodine, necessary for the proper work of the thyroid gland;
  • manganese, necessary for the production of hormones and enzymes and for stable operation of the nervous system;
  • chlorine, sulfur, aluminum, molybdenum and other important trace elements.

Borsch increases metabolism and contributes to the intensive splitting of carbohydrates and fats - that is why immediately after you filed borsch, it becomes hot. It fills you with energy, removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, favorably affects the work of the muscles and the state of the cardiovascular system. Borsch increases your performance, stimulates the work of the brain, relieves fatigue and tones. Borsch increases the production of red blood cells - red blood cells, which improves blood quality.

Recipe dietary borscht

The calorie content of this borscht is very small, and the saturation, taste and content of the useful substances is quite high. You will need for cooking:

  • non-fat beef - 300 g;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 medium beet;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley greens - 30 g (small beam);
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • 1 tomato,
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

First prepare beef broth. Straighten it. In a frying pan in a small amount of water without adding oil, put the crushed carrots, tomato, onions and garlic for 10 minutes, then add beets chopped with small cubes and extinguish another 20 minutes. While the vegetables stew - finely torn cabbage. Then put the vegetables in the broth, let it boil and add a cabbage. When the broth boils, let him get off 5-7 minutes and add potatoes into the borscht chopped with small cubes. At the end of the cooking borscht salting him, pepper, remove from the fire. Before feeding, sprinkle with chopped greens.

The calorie content of the borsch prepared on this recipe is 87 kcal per 100 g (or about 190 kcal in standard portion).

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Borsch is considered the traditional first dish of Slavic cuisine. The recipe for its preparation has a century-old story. Today such a dish can be welded differently, as they say, taste and color - no comrade. Many hostesses in the process of cooking take into account the calorie content of borscht on beef.

About your favorite dish in numbers

Do you like borsch? Its caloric content of 100 grams with beef varies from 70 to 100 kilocalories. An indicator of energy value depends on what ingredients you add.

On a note! Borsch is not only tasty, but also useful. Broth prepared on beef, favorably affects the cardiovascular system, and vegetables - a source of vitamins.

Traditionally, a standard set of products add to borsch, in particular:

  • cabbage of white grade;
  • potato tubers;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • beet.

In addition, the taste of borscht can be supplemented with boiled beans, tomato paste, fresh tomatoes, greens, sour cream or mayonnaise. When adding additional ingredients, the food value of the dish increases. Thus, the calorie content of beef with a beef will vary within 80-100 kilocalories.

On a note! If you want to reduce the caloric content of the finished first dish, replace the mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream, and add vegetables in raw form without prior heat treatment.

Also note that the calorie content of beef with the sour cream will depend on which part of the carcass you are preparing broth. For example, broth cooked on beef bone has a nutritional value of 25 kilocalories at the rate of 100 g of the product, and from meat clipping - 30 kilocalories.

Observe the age-old traditions

Have you been looking for a recipe for the preparation of traditional borscht on the beef broth? You are lucky, rather recording a unique recipe. If you boil on this recipe, his taste will not leave anyone indifferent. Saying one portion of such a borscht, you can not worry about your figure. The calorie content of one portion is insignificant.

On a note! Whatever enough, but in practice there is a diet, during which the main dish is borsch.


  • 500 g beef pulp (can be on the bone);
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 3-4 pcs. potato tubers;
  • beets - 1 root;
  • 0.2 kg of white cabbage;
  • carrot - 1 root;
  • fragrant black pepper, salt - to taste;
  • owka head;
  • for fried vegetables, vegetable oil refined;
  • 2-3 pcs. laurel leaves;
  • bunch of greenery.


  1. We clean vegetables and rinse them thoroughly with running water.
  2. Beef flesh defrost natural way and we also rinse with filtered water.
  3. We lay out a solid piece of beef tenderloin in a saucepan.
  4. Fill with filtered water and put on the stove.
  5. We bring broth to boiling condition.
  6. Remove the noise foam, we reduce the fire to a minimum.
  7. Add laurel leaves, you can have fragrant pea peppers.
  8. While the beef is cooked, I will lie on a bulb.
  9. Carrots and beets grind on medium or small grater.
  10. In the pan heating vegetable oil.
  11. Lay out vegetables and pass them before softening.
  12. When vegetables are ready, add tomato paste.
  13. Carefully stir everything and continue to fry for another 2-3 minutes.
  14. Boiled beef get out of broth.
  15. Enjoy it, and then crushing the portion slices.
  16. Cabbage applied with a knife or squeeze on a special tenacious grater.

  17. We lay the potatoes into the broth and cook it until readiness.
  18. Then add cooked vegetable refueling.

  19. Before serving to the table, each portion is separately adding the chosen greens and sour cream.

For fans of exquisite dishes

Have you ever tried borsch with a beet barn? Gourmet had already managed to appreciate the taste of such a first dish and came to delight. It is important to use young tops and beet roots. Adding tomato paste or fresh tomatoes do not need. Saturated burgundy broth will give exactly beet.


  • 0.3 kg of beet trees and tubers;
  • 150 g onions;
  • 1-2 pcs. carrot roots;
  • 0.1 kg of sweet bell pepper;
  • 0.5 kg beef tenderloin;
  • 0.5 kg of potato tubers;
  • to taste salt and a mixture of peppers;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • 4 l of filtered water;
  • 2-3 pcs. Laurel leaves.


One of the most beloved and popular soup is borsch. It is very satisfying, useful and incredibly tasty. A burst plate is a full dinner, after it you are guaranteed not to eat at least 3-4 hours, this soup is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, organic acids and other beneficial substances necessary for our health. Types of this dish There is a lot, and every hostess prepares it with its own special way, but mostly the composition and caloric content of borscht are about the same.

Sources of calorie worage - fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Fats are contained in meat and oil, on which you fry the vegetables before laying into soup, proteins in meat and vegetables (for example, in potatoes), carbohydrates - in vegetables. A very important element of the composition of the borscht is a plant fiber - it is thanks to the fiber of a borsch, so long the hunger quench the body, in addition, the fiber contributes to the purification of the body, it takes out toxins and slags from it and helps the intestine in its work.

Borsch is the source of a number of vitamins. Vitamins of calories are not added to borsch, but the benefit from them is huge. Vitamin A improves the condition of the skin and struggles with free radicals, in addition, it improves eyesight. Vitamin RR reduces blood sugar and cholesterol. Vitamin C strengthens immunity, increases the body's protective forces, participates in oxidative and reducing reactions in the body. Vitamin D also strengthens the immune forces of the body and contributes to the normal development of the nervous system, strengthens the bone and connective tissue and improves the work of the nervous system. Vitamin E is known for its strong antioxidant properties, it reduces the risk of cancer tumors and slows the aging of the body. The vitamins of the group in strengthen the nervous system, increase the performance and stress resistance of a person, improve sleep and mood, memory, attention, and normalize metabolism. These are real natural fat burners, antidepressants and energy.

Also do not increase the calorie content in the booster, but mineral compounds increase significantly. Borsch contains phosphorus, which activates the work of the brain, calcium, which strengthens the bone tissue, fluorine, thanks to which our teeth are strong and beautiful. It contains a lot of iron, which prevents the development of anemia and maintains the normal hemoglobin level in the blood.

Borsch also contains magnesium, which is a necessary element for all reactions in the body, sodium, regulating the water-salt balance, potassium, which strengthens the heart improves the work of the muscles and contributes to the removal of body salts and toxins, zinc, which increases immunity and rehabilitation The organism, copper, making nails and hair with beautiful and healthy, iodine, necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, manganese, which is needed for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, sulfur, chlorine and other important trace elements.

Possessing low calorieness, borsch helps to increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body, stimulates the work of the brain and nervous system, strengthens the vessels and heart, increases immunity. It contains organic acids that contribute to the rapid splitting of fats and carbohydrates that enter our body with food to obtain energy, and beets contains pectins, which are removed from the body toxins, salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances. It improves the composition of the blood and increases the hematopoietic function of the body, tones and fills the energy.

How many calories in the booster

Ingredients of borscht - only natural products: meat, potatoes, vegetables, seasonings. How many calories in the boosher depends on these ingredients. If you take a fatty meat for cooking, the caloric content of this soup will be high, but the calorie content of borscht with low-fat meat will be low. Calorie borscht Vegetarian will be even lower - no more than 25-30 kcal per 100 gBut it is not necessary to forget that the meat contains an indispensable amino acids that we cannot get from plant food, therefore, the proteins should not be abandoned, and to taste, the meat borsch is superior to Vegetarian. The products that you use as refueling and snacking to this soup are affected on the caloric content of borscht and snack - sour cream, mayonnaise, croutons, pampels, fat, crackers, etc. Calorie borscht with sour cream will be much lower than calorie borscht with mayonnaise.

To reduce calorie borscht, take a laundry beef for him. Borsch with pork will be more calorie. If, when cooking this dish, you used broth welded on meat and bones, the caloric content of such a borscht will be higher than the calorie content of a similar dish cooked on meat broth. When frying onion, carrots and beets, use low oil, roar vegetables on a frying pan with a non-stick coating - then you will need less fats, and therefore the calorie content will be lower. You can further reduce the calorie content of borscht if you give up at all with oil when cooking roasted - Carry vegetables in a small amount of water or broth cooked for soup. Also reduces the calorie content. Use instead of potatoes of beans, and instead of beets - beet trees. The calorie content of borscht, when the preparation of which was used by sauerkraut, will be higher than the calorie content in the same booster, but with fresh cabbage.

On average, the caloric content of borsch in low-fat beef is 45-55 kcal per 100 g. The caloric content of the classic Ukrainian borscht, which is boiled on the bones and fatty meat and is supplied by the sour cream, will be about 100 kcal per 100 g (taking into account sour cream). The calorie content of summer green boards on a meat bone supplied with greens and sour cream will be about 160 kcal per 100 g.

Place the borsch without mayonnaise, but low-fat (up to 15% fat) sour cream. It is best to serve rye or black bread better to serve - in it and calories are smaller, and more beneficial substances.

Dietary recipes borscht

Caloriciness of borscht cooked according to the classic recipe is 87 kcal per 100 g. For its preparation, take 300 g of low-fat beef, 1 onion and 1 carrots, 2 medium potatoes, 1 medium size beets, 100 g of fresh white cabbage, 2 cloves of garlic, bunch of fresh parsley, 1 tomato, pepper and salt to taste. Weld and strain beef broth. In a small amount of water, smear the chopped onions and carrots with garlic and tomato for about 10 minutes, then add chopped beets chopped. Cut the purified potatoes and lie cabbage. Stewed vegetables put into broth and put a saucepan on fire. When the water boils, add cabbage, after the next boost, put potatoes. Boil the soup to potato readiness, feed with greens and low-fat sour cream.

The calorie content of Wood in Vegetarian is only 23 kcal per 100 g.It is prepared in the same way as in the recipe described above, but not on meat broth, but on a vegetable. For 1.5 liters of water you will need 1 beets, 2 potatoes, 300 g of cabbage, 1 piece of onions and carrots, 1 tomato, greens, salt, pepper and sour cream from which you will serve this soup.

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There is a joke that men estimate the hostess in a woman on the basis of whether she can cook borsch and how well it does. If you have not yet comprehended this "science", it's time to start learning. And for the start, it is best to master the basics - a classic red borsch, cooked on a beef broth. Step-by-step recipe with photos of delicious beef beef in front of you. Let's figure out how to choose and prepare ingredients, where to cook and how many calories in 100 grams of borsch with beef.

Delicious borscht recipe with beef

Tip:instead of tomato paste, you can take tomato juice. True, in this case, the roaster will have to stew a little longer so that the excessive fluid is evaporated. The cover in this recipe can be replaced with citric acid. There will be a fairly small slide of crystalline on the tip of the knife, it will give a soft touch of taste. Throw her into the borsch at the end of the cooking, as soon as you remove from the fire.


Portions: - +

  • beef 500 g
  • beet 300 g
  • potatoes 200 g
  • carrot 150 g
  • onion 150 g
  • cabbage 200 g
  • tomato Pasta 50 g
  • sunflower oil 50 ml
  • vinegar 10 ml
  • salt 10 g
  • black pea pepper 5 pieces.
  • ground black pepper taste
  • parsley Several twigs
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.
  • water 4 L.

For a portion

Calories: 101 kcal

Proteins: 6.6 g

Fats: 6 g

Carbohydrates: 5.3 g

2 hour. 30 minutes. Video Recipe Print

    Beef thoroughly wash, cut into large pieces, fill with three liter cold water and leave for an hour. It is necessary that blood and broth come out of meat in the future turned out to be transparent.

    Drain the water, replace fresh and put on a slow fire. As soon as it boils, remove the foam, add a laurel sheet into the broth, pepper and cook for one and a half hours. 15 minutes before the end of this time, add a piece of raw bulbs.

    While boiling broth will cook, prepare fried from vegetables. Gear sunflower oil in a pan, fry on it first sliced \u200b\u200bonions, after 2-3 minutes, add carrots and coams crushed on a large grater. The last one can not only graze, but cut into a thin straw. Touch the groze about 10 minutes, then add tomato paste to it, stick and remove from the fire after a couple of minutes.

    Now go back to the broth. Remove beef from it, let cool and cut into pieces of bed. If they took meat on the bone, remove the bones.

    In the broth, throw the potatoes chopped into small cubes. Join from the moment of boiling 10 minutes.

    Now lay out a thinly chopped cabbage into the broth, mix and boil another 5 minutes. After that, return the meat to the borsch.

    Now the turn of the roaster. Send it to the saucepan to the rest of the ingredients. From the moment of boiling, cook for about 5 minutes.

    Remove the saucepan from the fire, spray to taste. If necessary, add some vinegar or citric acid. Pass finely chopped dill and parsley. Cover the lid and give it up for half an hour.

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Cooking borsch with beef in a slow cooker

Many hostesses have long experienced kitchen appliances. It can be prepared almost everything in it, and the beef borsch is not an exception. True, the cooking technology will be completely different, but the ingredients are identical to the previous option.

  1. Cooking borsch in this wonderful device starts at all from the broth, but from the roaster. At first, it is necessary to pour a little oil into the container of a multicooker, lay out the chopped onions and carrots and put on the "frying" mode. By the way, instead of tomato paste you can use crushed tomatoes. Vegetables should be roasted for 5 minutes with a lid open.
  2. After that, they need to add a cut chopped on a thin straw and fry for another 10 minutes. Only after that the cores of meat comes. It is necessary to cut it into small pieces, add to the roaster, close the slow cooker and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. After this time, you need to escape, pepper the contents, pour water there and cook in the "Soup" mode at least an hour.
  4. Next - turn of potatoes. It should be chopped and send it to Borsch at about the 20th minute after water was poured. 10 minutes before readiness was putting finely chopped cabbage.

Filling the borsch, cooked with the help of this technique, after the cooking process completely ends. Try it, overhears, if you need, add a finely chopped greens. If you wish, you can squeeze garlic to the borsch. Other recipe for multi-clock with photos and video are looking for on the site.

Hosteles note: The secrets of the delicious borsch with beef

As you can see, cooking such a dish is not a Chinese diploma. But for some reason, each mistress has the same borscht very different in taste. One can say "so-so," and from the other for the ears do not pull out, it is so tasty. The thing is that in the cooking process there are many, it would seem that the success of the "campaign" depends on the success.

The first important point is the choice of meat for broth. For these purposes, the ribs or the bladder part are best suited. In any case, the broth is tastier and the bulb, if we put meat into it on the bone. If you choose on rubers, borsch will get more lean, on the shovel - welded and fat.

The second is the bracket technology of broth. So that it came out transparent, tomorrow it is necessary on slow fire from the very beginning of the cooking, even before the boiling. And then you need it to do not bury. It takes much more time to it, but the broth will be transparent and more delicious.

To give him a more rich taste, 15 minutes before the meat is ready, throw a little onion, carrots, greenery into a saucepan. If you cook a large saucepan, you can even a whole small bulb.

Important: Do not forget to remove vegetables before laying out other ingredients.

A little about technological nuances. Of great importance is the stage on which you solit the borsch. It is recommended to do this or before the meat is ready, or at the very end. If you salute the broth immediately after boiling, the pores in beef will close and will not allow meats to give the maximum of their taste chalks. The dish will lose saturation, and meat will not be juicy. Many sorcelain only at the very end when they are already removing the saucepan from the stove. Do it because from salt Potato becomes hard and boiled longer.

Especially carefully you need to salt borsch if you boil it not with fresh, but with a sauerkraut. In this case, it needs to be carefully squeezed before adding to the pan. And if it is too acidic, then soak in cold water.

But there is another option - add sorrel, replacing them with a cabbage. It is done in a couple of minutes until readiness. Sorrel leaves need to cut into large pieces and throw in borsch. Then give it to be broken for half an hour.

Aesthetic side is equally important. Borsch should be not only tasty, but also to cause his desire to eat it. In order for the dish with a brighter scarlet, the cooler need to fry separately from other vegetables.

Tip: Grind the coat with a convenient way for you - soda on a large grater or cut the thin straw. Put on the pan, on which it will give a few sunflower oil in advance. Fry for 5 minutes, then pour into it a tablespoon of vinegar, mix and remove from the heat.

As an additional ingredient, boiled or canned beans are often added to borsch. It makes the dish more satisfying, nutritious and tasty. This is a simple version of real food at home.

Tip: Tastier borsch will turn out if when applying to put in each plate a tablespoon of sour cream and a welded boiled egg chopped on the quarter.

All of these simple techniques will make an expert in the field of Borschevaria. A recipe for a delicious beef with beef can be transferred to girlfriends or relatives, and you can save secret. New features in the kitchen, successful experience and pleasant appetite!

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