Java API for Various Document Formats


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Aspose.Words for Java is an advanced Java Word processing API that enables you to perform a great range of document processing tasks directly within your Java applications. Aspose.Words for Java API supports processing word (DOC, DOCX, OOXML, RTF) HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, EPUB, XPS, SWF and all image formats. With Aspose.Words you can generate, modify, and convert documents without using Microsoft Word.

Word API Features

Rendering and Printing

  • Layout document into pages with high fidelity (exactly like Microsoft Word� would do that) to all the formats below.
  • Render individual pages or complete documents to PDF, XPS, or SWF.
  • Render document pages to raster images (Multipage TIFF, PNG, JPEG, BMP).
  • Render pages to a Java Graphics object to a specific size.
  • Print document pages using the Java printing infrastructure.
  • Update TOC, page numbers, and other fields before rendering or printing.
  • 3D Effects Rendering through the OpenGL.

Document Content Features

  • Access, create, and modify various document elements.
  • Access and modify all document elements using XmlDocument -like classes and methods.
  • Copy and move document elements between documents.
  • Join and split documents.
  • Specify document protection, open protected, and encrypted documents.
  • Find and replace text, enumerate over document content.
  • Preserve or extract OLE objects and ActiveX controls from the document.
  • Preserve or remove VBA macros from the document. Preserve VBA macros digital signature.

Reporting Features

  • Support of C# syntax and LINQ extension methods directly in templates (even for ADO.NET data sources).
  • Support of repeatable and conditional document blocks (loops and conditions) for tables, lists, and common content.
  • Support of dynamically generated charts and images.
  • Support of insertion of outer documents and HTML blocks into a document.
  • Support of multiple data sources (including of different types) for the generation of a single document.
  • Built-in support of data relations (master-detail).
  • Comprehensive support of various data manipulations such as grouping, sorting, filtering, and others directly in templates.

For a more comprehensive list of features, please visit Feature Overview.

Read & Write Document Formats

Microsoft Word: DOC, DOCX, RTF, DOT, DOTX, DOTM, DOCM FlatOPC, FlatOpcMacroEnabled, FlatOpcTemplate, FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled
OpenOffice: ODT, OTT
WordprocessingML: WordML
Fixed Layout: PDF
Text: TXT Other: MD

Save Word Files As

Fixed Layout: XPS, OpenXPS, PostScript (PS)
Web: HtmlFixed
Others: PCL, EPUB, XamlFixed, XamlFlow, XamlFlowPack

Read File Formats

MS Office: DocPreWord60 eBook: MOBI

Supported Environments

  • Microsoft Windows: Windows Desktop & Server (x86, x64)
  • macOS: Mac OS X
  • Linux: Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, CentOS, and others
  • Java Versions: J2SE 7.0 (1.7), J2SE 8.0 (1.8) or above.

Get Started

Aspose hosts all Java APIs at the Aspose Repository. You can easily use Aspose.Words for Java API directly in your Maven projects with simple configurations. For the detailed instructions please visit Installing Aspose.Words for Java from Maven Repository documentation page.

Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet using Java

                                                                            // Open the document.                                                                                                                                              Document                      doc                      =                      new                      Document                      (                      dataDir                      +                      "TestFile.doc"                      );                                                                                                                                                                              // Create a print job to print our document with.                                                                                                                                              PrinterJob                      pj                      =                      PrinterJob                      .                      getPrinterJob                      ();                                                                                                                                                                              // Initialize an attribute set with the number of pages in the document.                                                                                                                                              PrintRequestAttributeSet                      attributes                      =                      new                      HashPrintRequestAttributeSet                      ();                                                                                                  attributes                      .                      add                      (                      new                      PageRanges                      (                      1                      ,                      doc                      .                      getPageCount                      ()));                                                                                                                                                                              // Pass the printer settings along with the other parameters to the print document.                                                                                                                                              MultipagePrintDocument                      awPrintDoc                      =                      new                      MultipagePrintDocument                      (                      doc                      ,                      4                      ,                      true                      ,                      attributes                      );                                                                                                                                                                              // Pass the document to be printed using the print job.                                                                                                                                              pj                      .                      setPrintable                      (                      awPrintDoc                      );                                                                                                                                                                              pj                      .                      print                      ();                                                                    

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Version Release Date
22.6 June 10, 2022
22.5 May 20, 2022
22.4 April 7, 2022
22.3 March 9, 2022
22.2 February 9, 2022
22.1 January 8, 2022
21.12 December 7, 2021
21.11 November 15, 2021
21.10 October 20, 2021
21.9 September 7, 2021
21.8 August 11, 2021
21.7 July 11, 2021
21.6 June 14, 2021
21.5 May 7, 2021
21.4 April 8, 2021
21.3 March 10, 2021
21.2 February 9, 2021
21.1 January 5, 2021
20.12 December 9, 2020
20.11 November 13, 2020
20.10 October 23, 2020
20.9 September 13, 2020
20.8 August 8, 2020
20.7 July 16, 2020
20.6 June 13, 2020
20.5 May 10, 2020
20.4 April 19, 2020
20.3 March 10, 2020
20.2 February 15, 2020
20.1 January 6, 2020
19.12 December 18, 2019
19.11 November 5, 2019
19.10 October 11, 2019
19.9 September 15, 2019
19.8 August 17, 2019
19.7 July 9, 2019
19.6 June 6, 2019
19.5 May 7, 2019
19.4 April 6, 2019
19.3 March 8, 2019
19.2 February 14, 2019
19.1 January 4, 2019
18.12 December 8, 2018
18.11 November 6, 2018
18.10 October 12, 2018
18.9 September 7, 2018
18.8 August 9, 2018
18.7 July 16, 2018
18.6 June 7, 2018
18.5 May 8, 2018
18.4 April 4, 2018
18.3 March 6, 2018
18.2 February 8, 2018
18.1 December 26, 2017
17.12 December 14, 2017
17.11 November 15, 2017
17.10 October 8, 2017
17.9 September 5, 2017
17.8 August 6, 2017
17.7 July 6, 2017
17.6 June 6, 2017
17.5 May 16, 2017
17.4.0 April 4, 2017
17.3.0 March 6, 2017
17.2.0 February 8, 2017
17.1.0 January 17, 2017
16.12.0 December 11, 2016
16.11.0 November 3, 2016
16.10.0 October 12, 2016
16.8.0 September 10, 2016
16.7.0 August 9, 2016
16.6.0 July 13, 2016
16.5.0 June 23, 2016
16.4.0 May 12, 2016
16.3.0 April 11, 2016
16.2.0 March 17, 2016
16.1.0 February 3, 2016
15.12.0 January 1, 2016